Wheelchair Basketball athletes always ready for the action
By Young Reporters: Jordan Gant and Reece Matthews
The Sainsbury's UK School Games gives 1,600 young athletes the chance to be the best they can be.
Young wheelchair basketball hopeful Mark Scholefield and Great Britain's Wheelchair Basketball team player, Dan Highcock spoke at the Wheelchair Basketball demonstration in the Sainsbury's Active Kids Village discussing the experience young athletes have at the Games.
Mark, who was competing for Scotland, felt the Games is a once in a lifetime opportunity: "I'm looking forward to the environment and the excitement of being out there, especially as I'm playing for Scotland. It's my heritage". The young athlete got the chance to warm up with the GB team ahead of competition: "I know most of them, so they are not as intimidating as they look!"
GB star Dan, is heading to Israel to compete in the European Championships as well as training for the 2012 Paralympics: "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to play for the Paralympics team. We go to Israel next week for the European Championships and we don't come back for three weeks and then it's full on till London."
These two athletes demonstrate that the key to becoming the best you can be is through pride, determination and the desire to win. This is a lesson for us all in life.